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What Should I Wear When Go Karting?

Is there any difference in clothing between indoor and outdoor karting? Is it necessary to wear a helmet to go karting? Well, if these are the questions you're asking yourself, don't worry: we have all the answers to these questions and many others (including some really weird ones, such as ‘can you wear sandals to go karting?’) to make you a real expert of technical karting clothing.

Before even putting a foot on the gas pedal of a kart (be it racing, rental or any other type of go-kart), every driver should have a helmet (the most important protective device at all), a racesuit, a pair of gloves, a pair of shoes and a rib protector. Here is unveiled what is the ‘basic’ kit that every kart driver should have in order to practice go-karting. It is interesting to note that ‘basic’ karting clothing is featured, on one hand, by safety devices also used in other motorsport categories (such as helmets, racesuits, etc.) and, on the other, by specific elements such as the rib protector. What is a kart rib protector? It is a particular suit developed to protect the driver's chest from both impacts and lateral stresses and forces that the body has to face while on the track, with the chest into the fibreglass seat. As far as clothing is concerned, are there differences between the world of rental karts and racing karts? The answer is yes! And in the following text we explain why.

Rental karts and clothing: everything you need to know

If you were about to book a track session with a rental kart and reading the plenty of items that make up a kart driver's ‘basic’ clothing kit scared you a little, keep calm, you won't have to buy all that technical clothing! Generally speaking, both indoor and outdoor rental karting tracks provide their customers with most of the safety equipment needed for go-karting (and if you're wondering whether there is any difference between indoor and outdoor karting clothing... well, the answer is ‘No’!). In most cases, therefore, all you have to do is go at the track, request everything you need, and enjoy the activity at the wheel of the rented kart. 
In this regard, however, some explanation must be made: even though is not compulsory at all karting tracks to wear specific racesuits or shoes, the requirement to wear a specific driver's suit may depend on the track owner. Usually, outdoor tracks require this kind of protective clothing to be worn, while indoor facilities - particularly those with electric karts - do not. That said, even if a racesuit is not compulsory, you must wear appropriate clothing. So, if you're asking yourself ‘can you go karting in Crocs®?’, or ‘can you go karting in slippers?’, or even ‘can you go karting wearing a hoodie?’, the answer is always one and only one: ‘no’! In fact, that clothing could jeopardise your safety. 

What should you wear if you want to switch to racing karts?

For those who want to tackle the world of racing karts (perhaps after falling in love with this sport following a session of laps on Viper Karts, the OTK Kart Group's rental kart range), one of the first steps obviously concerns the purchase of technical clothing specific to this kind of activity. In this article we have already explained what is the ‘basic’ kit that every kart driver should have: the helmet, which must be full-face and specific, a racesuit, a pair of gloves, a pair of shoes and a rib protector. In kart racing, the clothing, other than assuring the driver's safety, must also be comfortable and not be an aerodynamic limitation, so as not to harm performance on the track. The advice is to select safety equipment homologated by the FIA Karting which, in addition to guaranteeing the highest safety standards, will allow you to take part in competitions promoted by the CIK-FIA (the international karting federation) or other bodies which adhere to its regulations (widespread worldwide). Is that all? No, because you are surely wondering ‘are there special kart neck collars?’. As far as the racing scene is concerned, the use of these devices is not compulsory (it is in categories such as cross karting), but having these protections will only increase your level of safety while driving and, for less-trained drivers, will help relieve the strain on the neck muscles.

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