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IAAPA Expo Asia ’24: Viper Kart and Viper E-Kart leaders in Bangkok, too

After attending IAAPA Expo Europe '23 and IAAPA Expo '23 events, Viper Kart lands at IAAPA Expo Asia. The exhibition, held in the Thai capital city, represented a "strategic" opportunity to introduce the products of the rental kart brand by OTK Kart Group to the Asian public and to develop its presence in this expanding market.

Strengthening Viper Kart's presence worldwide

For companies operating in the field of amusement and attractions industry, IAAPA Expo Asia is a must-attend event.

At the 2024 edition, held from May 27th to 30th at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center in Bangkok (an exhibition centre of over 728 square metres), Viper Kart by OTK Kart Group could not miss out on being among the 361 exhibitors.

Among the models shown by the Italian brand, the hand lens focused once again on the new Viper E-Kart: the electric rental kart, introduced for the first time at the IAAPA Expo Europe 2023, in Vienna. In addition to this modern product, the Viper Kart range was then completed by the Viper Senior and Junior models, with combustion engines. A choice, of exhibiting these three models, is aimed at making the product range known: an offer which can meet the concrete needs of all potential customers, offering models that are able to represent real business assets for all indoor and outdoor track managers.

Viper E-Kart, when fun and innovation combine

Evolution and innovation, the main topics discussed among the stands, conferences and seminars at IAAPA Expo Asia, have always been at the heart of the motorsport world, karting included. In a world that is increasingly looking for sustainable solutions for the planet, Viper Kart is acting 'green', introducing his first solution: Viper E-Kart.

The innovative solutions introduced with this model meet the needs of kart track managers to have an amusing product for their customers, without neglecting respect for the environment by fully eliminating the emissions of internal combustion engines.

Performance is guaranteed by an engine able to release a rated power of 5 kW, which, combined with the optimised weight of 197 kg and the 116 Ah NCM lithium batteries, make it the electric rental kart with the best "capacity/weight" ratio - 0.589 Ah/kg - on the market (find out more? Discover Viper E-Kart on the dedicated product page).

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Viper Kart range also “conquers” Asian markets

Attending such an important event as the IAAPA Expo Asia was an opportunity for the Viper Kart to expand towards the Asian public. The eastern market (which OTK Kart Group knows well and controls also thanks to its two subsidiaries located in Singapore and Japan) actually represents a growing and expanding basin as far as motorsports and entertainment, especially karting.

The increased interest in this field makes this region a significant expansion opportunity for the Italian brand, which has been able, in this context, to make its range of rental kart products well known.

In addition to commercial expansion into this burgeoning market, IAAPA Expo Asia was also an opportunity for the OTK Kart Group’s team to get in touch with other realities, highlighting its innovation in the karting field, as well as to gather feedback from various customers, with the aim of further improving its products and services.

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